The Kerusso Blog Team
September 19, 2017

“You Can’t Know, Unless You Go!”

Vik and kids .jpg

At Kerusso, we love to support those in need. It was our priviledge to help provide for the children who attended the God Cares School Summer Bible Camp this summer. After giving to this camp for several years, our CEO, Vic Kennett, felt the call to go to Uganda and serve at Bible Camp in person.  


The Kerusso Blog Team learned what it is like to take part in hands on missions and the true impact of the Orphan Crisis in Uganda, through an exclusive interview with Vic about his experience. It is so evident, in the answers he provided during his Q&A that God is working in Uganda! 


Why Uganda? 


A long-time friend and former sales rep for Kerusso connected with me 6 years ago to see if I would be willing to donate items for the God Cares School Summer Bible Camps. We have since donated thousands of shirts and jewelry items to the camps for the kids. He's been inviting me to come see firsthand, and this year God laid it on my heart to go. 


What was your typical day spent doing? 


6:30- Wake Up

7:00- Team Meeting

8:00- Start serving breakfast to 600 kids

9:30- Church and Worship

10:00- Teach a class of 64 eight and nine-year-old boys and girls

12:30- Serve Lunch

Afternoon- Hang Out with Kids, Rest, Review the Next Days Lesson

7:00- Serve Dinner


What inspired you most about these kids? 


The kids are so thankful and sweet. Like all kids they have their own personalities. Many are very soft spoken, while others are real characters. They are bright and polite!


What do you know now about Uganda, and the orphan crisis there, that you didn't know before your trip?  


Like many African countries Uganda is a country with many humanitarian needs. AIDS has created millions of orphans all over the continent. The body of Christ has responded in a great way in Uganda. I saw evidence of many Christian outreach organizations in the city of Kampala, doing what they can to serve their fellow man in love and obedience to Christ.  


What was your favorite experience from the trip?  


On my last day teaching the class I gave an invitation for all who had never made Jesus their Savior and Lord, 7 came forward. What a great day!


After your trip, what advice do you have for others about to partake in hands on mission work?  


I'll tell you the advice I kept giving myself as a CEO and company owner -- "Vic, you are not in charge here, be a servant. Humble yourself and reflect Christ." 


How can we best pray for the orphans of Uganda, and those working to help them?  

That God would send laborers into this Mission field, with hearts full of the love of God.


How can people back home get involved with God Cares School? 


The God Cares School Facebook Page, or the Buyamba Uganda Website. 


How can we fulfill the great commission here at home? 

1. Be part of the local Church and give to mission efforts!

2. “Change your shirt. Change the World!” 


If you could sum up your experience in a t-shirt slogan, what would it be?





Therefore, GO and make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

– Matthew 28:19


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